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Our philosophy

"The ancestor of every action is a thought"

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every day people make decisions in their personal lives, many more than they are aware of. Making decisions is a natural part of business life and constitutes a daily recurring necessity in just about any organization. Often times there are numerous pressing issues that need to be decided on parallelly and frequently time is of the essence. Decision-makers and leaders constantly need to use their minds to get things off their minds. But how to achieve a focused mind for quick and accurate decision-making under the conditions of a daily influx of complex and copious information in various intertwined and complicated processes, possibly also under the pressure of contradictory and concurrent interests? We believe that everybody can make the right decisions even under constantly changing and under difficult and uncertain conditions, if they possess the right tools to do so. We can help you discover these tools and see you through the process of applying them to your business or organization. Not only to enable you to keep a clear mind to focus on the things that matter but also to keep an open mind to adapting to change in the best possible way.

"There is nothing either good or bad except that our thinking makes it so" 

– William Shakespeare

Central to dealing with challenges is the attitude we take toward them. A problem is only a problem if we perceive of it as such. Some problems exist of their own accord and there's nothing to be done about them. Other problems arise but there are ways to fix them. And there are also those sorts of problems that wouldn't exist if we hadn't created them. In any case: the key to solving any type of problem lies in the approach we take and in the mindset we develop toward that particular issue at hand. We can show you and your team ways to create a mindset that will carry you and your company or organization successfully through any transition you want to or need to be undergoing.

"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change"

– Stephen Hawking

In order to thrive in a globalized world companies and organizations need to understand who they are and what they want. They need a clear set of values to guide their actions and clear rules to follow but they also need a clear vision and a clear mission – achieved by means of a smart strategy. Some changes are actively sought and product of your free will. Others you can only react to. Sometimes these sort of changes – some of which impact your company or organization directly – are taking place on so many levels and so fast that there is a need for revision and repositioning. Sometimes the need to adapt to these changes calls for smaller corrections and sometimes for large-scale restructuring. We understand that managing these processes of change is often difficult and pain-staking. However, clining to a strategy if it no longer serves your purpose can be detrimental to the future of your organization. Our team has the expertise to support you during any transitional phase, be it finding a new smart strategy or be it in implementing that strategy and seeing to it that your company or organization achieves the goals you set for you and your team.

"There is no plan(et) B"

– anonymous

No matter how big or small the changes your company or organization is planning or already undergoing: there are two things (apart from financial feasibility) that necessarily – and irrefutably – form the framework within which those changes need to be taking place: your people and the health of our planet Earth. No company or organization in the 21st century can afford to run on 20th century economic assumptions. If we want to keep enjoying the benefits of capitalism and globalization we need to adapt our strategies and policies. Climate change is real and it's changing the way we live on this planet. If we don't act accordingly and adapt a strategy that focuses on dramatically lowering carbon emissions (both by adapting effective policies as well as developing innovative technologies) while putting people and their well-being first there won't be any future worth working toward. We are committed to advising our clients with regard to becoming an innovator and model on behalf of climate protection. The future of any successful business or organization is based on sustainable development and needs to become part of any change management strategy. We owe it to the world and to our children.

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